Showing posts with label English essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English essay. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Air Pollution Essay in 200 Words

 Air Pollution 

Essay in 200 Words

Air pollution is one of the many reasons for environmental degradation these days. There are many things that contribute to the rapid increase of air pollution these days. Automobiles, industries, burning of fossil fuel, emitting of pollution from vehicles like cars, jeeps, trucks cause immense amount of pollution. Air pollution happens when harmful gases, dust and smoke enters the atmosphere making it tough for the plants, animals and humans to survive as the air turns dirty.

Environmental pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings. Air pollution hugely affects the balance of our ecosystem, upsets our normal lifestyle and gives rise to global warming and human illness. It has increased due to the increase in industrialization, development and modernization in our society.

Industries release harmful gases and particles. Paints and batteries contain lead. Transportation releases gases like carbon dioxide and burning of substance releases carbon monoxide and many other harmful gases that cause great deal of damage to the environment.

Our daily activity that causes release of dangerous gases to release makes the atmosphere dirtier every day. It leads to the climate change negatively and at a faster rate. There is a growing need to curb the increasing rate of air pollution if we want to live in a natural environment.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

My India Essay 200 words

 My India

Essay in 200 words

    India is my homeland and I love it very much. People of India are very honest and trustworthy in nature. People of different cultures and traditions live together without any problems. My country's mother tongue is Hindi, although many languages are spoken here by people of different faiths without any obligation. India is a country of natural beauty where periodically great people have been born and done great work. The nature of Indians is touching the hearts and they are heartily welcomed by the guests from other countries.

In India, Indian philosophy of life is followed, which is called Sanatan Dharma and here is the main reason for maintaining unity in diversity. India is a democratic country where the people of the country have the right to make decisions about the country. To see here there are many beautiful scenes of ancient times, places, monuments, historical heritage etc. which attract people from every corner of the world. India is very famous for its spiritual functions, yoga, martial arts etc. In India, a large crowd of devotees and pilgrims from other countries come to see the beauty of the famous temples, places and historical heritage here.

An Ideal Teacher essay 150 words

An Ideal Teacher

 150 Words – Essay

Every person needs education because life without education is like an animal. The most important contribution to education is the teacher. It is the teacher who helps everyone to become a good citizen and can take the country to new heights. Children, who are the future of every country, only the teacher can secure their future. The ideal teacher is one who helps his disciples in every way possible and is skilled in his teacher work. The ideal teacher is always sure of time.

Any teacher should be courteous and discipline should be dear. Ideal teachers teach in such a way that all children understand easily. He treats children sweetly and his words are always clear. He considers the disciples like his children and never kills. They are restrained and they are not excited. In every child’s life, there is definitely an ideal teacher in his eyes, whose life he takes inspiration from. Ideal teachers create the future of children.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Environmental Pollution essay

Environmental Pollution

Essay in 150 Words

Our environment is made of living things and things not alive. The life of these species includes livestock and other microorganisms; the environment’s unlived components are food, water, dirt, sunshine, etc. Any time a relatively long toxin is introduced to our environment, it contributes to environmental contamination. Air, water, soil, noise, light and nuclear pollution are some of the main types of pollution.

The air pollution is caused by emissions from factories, building chimneys, cars and oils. These constituents are interconnected. When nature’s process continues, the toxicity of one product is also passed on to the other components. There are different aspects in which chemical waste tends to circulate. With an explanation below we should appreciate that. When it rains, the impurities in air in the water-bodies and soil slowly disappear. When cultivated in the fields, these harmful toxicants are absorbed by their roots through contaminated soil and water. The marine biodiversity is increasingly depleting, including both flora and fauna. Soil quality and crop quality are worsening.

As a result of the environmental pollution that the world needs to cope with, global warming, which had become a significant problem, in Antarctica, the melting icebergs culminated in rising sea levels. The hazards caused by rising carbon pollution can contribute to natural disturbance, including regular earthquakes, cyclones, etc. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl incidents in Russia have caused humanity to irreparable harm. In response to these disasters, the different countries in the world are taking every possible action.
