Friday, April 10, 2020

Teaching aids

Develping Teaching aids  and their use for secondary classes.

Always there has been lots of questions as to What is a teaching aid and what is its utility in the teaching learning process? Before moving ahead we will go through the definition of teaching aids.

As per the Merriam Webster 

The definition of teaching aid

is :an object (such as a book, picture, or map) or device (such as a dvd or computer) used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction 
  • audiovisual teaching aids.
    • The next question is 

    Why Are Teaching Aids Important? 

  • Teaching aids are an integral component in any classroom. The many benefits of teaching aids include helping learners improve reading comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill or concept, differentiating instruction and relieving anxiety or boredom by presenting information in a new and exciting way. Teaching aids also engage students’ other senses since there are no limits in what aids can be utilized when supplementing a lesson.

    Not only in india but all aorund the globe educationists are stressing the use of teaching aids in actual classroom setting. More appropriately they can be called as learning aids. as all these things are used to help students in learning. 

Great teamworks produce great teachers

"Great teams always produce Great workers"

Memorable moment.
