Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Teachers Learn class 8th Tulip Series

 How Teachers Learn 

(John Holt) 
Class 8th -
English : Prose - Lesson 1 -


Q1. Who was Nora? How did she become a friend of the teacher? 
 Ans: Nora was a five-year-old girl child. The teacher visited her family over a weekend. This is because of this visit they became friends.

Q2. How did the teacher observe Nora while learning?
Ans: Most of the time the teacher sat still and silent but when she seemed badly stuck sometime he either suggested her to figure out or told her to skip the word, but sometime he told her the if she asked to tell her the word.

Q3. What odd thing happened with Nora? Why was the teacher puzzled? 
Ans. While Nora was reading, an odd thing happened to her. She misread a word that previously she had read correctly. This made the teacher felt annoyed and puzzled because she had read the same word correctly earlier.

Q4. Was Nora a careless child? How do you know?
 Ans. No, Nora was not a careless child because she was very good at learning. She was putting all her concentration in reading the book.

Q5. How should a teacher understand the problems of the children?
Ans. To understand the learning problem of the children, a teacher must try to see things through their eyes. For a child who has just only seen the word for the first time, it is not easy but difficult for him to remember the word.

Q6. What experience popped into the mind of teacher's mind after Nora's learning problem?
Ans. The experience that popped out into the mind of teacher was sheet of different languages unknown for him. The page looked like a jumble of words for him. Whatever the teacher did to overcome that problem he resembled the same with the Nora's learning.

Q7. Why are children of unlettered homes at a disadvantage? 
Ans. Children of unlettered homes does not have the familiarity with the shapes of words and letters from the beginning of their learning. Since there is no one to watch and observe them, there so they are at a disadvantage.

Q8. How did teacher learn from Nora?
Ans. The teacher learned about the problems faced by the children by observing Nora while her reading and learning, and from that experience, he learned how to tackle these problems while teaching.

1. In the text the, author keeps using the American expression, ‘to figure out’. Which of the following word or phrases is closest in meaning to the expression as it is used in the passage?
(a) To guess             (b) to recognize           (c) to reason out         (d) to decide
Ans. Mostly the meaning of the given expression ‘to figure out’ is ‘to understand’. But when we read the passage of the lesson, the teacher makes the child to recognize the words by suggesting her to figure out. So in this way we can say the meaning of the expression may ‘to recognize’.
2. Second sentence of each of the sentence is written below:
(a)    He loaned me some clothes. I lent them.
(b)   He sold me an old piano.  I purchased it.
(c)    He chased me.  I ran away.
(d)   I gave him a glass of water.  He received it.
(e)    We conquered the enemy. They were defeated.
3. Suffixes of given words are given below:
Alphabet……………… Alphabetical
Angel…………………. Angelic, Angler, Anglican
Shape…………………. Shapeless
Book………………….. Bookish
Man…………………… Manhood(n), Manish(adj)
Government…………… Governmental
Minister………………… Ministerial
Elephant……………….. Elephantine
Tiger…………………… tigress
Day……………………..  Daily
College…………………. Collegiate
4. Message to Asif:
Dear Asif,
Khalid had called me that he will be 1 hour late for dinner, which you and Khalid have planned to have at Ahdoo’s at 9 pm. He will be late because he has to complete an assignment at office.


I. Fill in the blanks by using the past participle forms of given verbs:

Write,         Rent,        Forget,      Break,        Cook

1.    I am living in a rented house.
2.    It is not safe to sit in a broken chair.
3.    Some people do not like cooked vegetables.
4.    The headmaster wanted a written report.
5.    That is a forgotten quarrel.

II.   Using the words and phrases given, make sentences like in the example given below:

Example: we/ the doors/ have/painted/ shall.
                  We shall have the doors painted.
1. made/ I/ a new suit/ had.
    I had made a new suit.
2. she/ heard/ has never/ spoken/ French.
    She has never heard spoken French.
3. respected/ makes/ his knowledge/ him.
   His knowledge makes him respected.
4. I/ your names/ heard/ called.
    I heard your names called.
5. work/ we/ want this/ quickly/ done.
   We want this work quickly done. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Mere jivan ka uddeshya hindi nibandh

निबंध कक्षा 6

मेरे जीवन का उद्देश्य


लक्ष्य जीवन को एक उद्देश्य तथा दिशा प्रदान करता है। जीवन में उद्देश्य का न होना बिना पतवार के नाव चलाने के बराबर है। बिना उद्देश्य सोचे कुछ भी प्राप्त करना आसान नहीं है। बिना उद्देश्य का व्यक्ति सदा हालातों पर ही निर्भर रहता है। इस प्रकार का व्यक्ति अक्सर गुमराह हो जाता है। उसका जीवन भ्रम में ही खत्म हो जाता है। इस लिए हर व्यक्ति के पास कोई न कोई उद्देश्य अवश्य होना चाहिए।

जीवन में उद्देश्य का होना बहुत ज़रूरी है। यह भी उतना ही आवश्यक है कि वह उद्देश्य सही भी होना चाहिए। गलत उद्देश्य व्यक्ति को बरबाद कर सकता है। उसकी सारी मेहनत व्यर्थ हो सकती है। उसका समय तथा मेहनत का कोई फल नहीं मिलता। व्यक्ति को छोटी आयु में ही अपने जीवन का लक्ष्य सोच लेना चाहिए। उद्देश्य का चयन अपने शौक तथा पसंद के अनुसार करना चाहिए। इसके लिए व्यक्ति किसी समझदार से सलाह भी कर सकता

विभिन्न व्यक्तियों के अलग-अलग उद्देश्य होते हैं। कई लोग उद्योगपति बनना पसंद करते हैं। वे ऐसा सोचते हैं कि इससे उनके पास हर चीज़ अधिक होगी। उनका जीवन आसान एवं आरामदायक होगा। इसी प्रकार कुछ लोग डाक्टर तथा इंजीनियर बनना भी पसंद करते हैं। उनके अनुसार डाक्टर तथा इंजीनियर बनने से उनको समाज में नाम तथा इज्जत मिलेगी। कुछ लोग आई.ए.एस.अफसर बनना भी पसंद करते हैं। उन्हें जीवन में ताकत तथा शोहरत प्राप्त करना पसंद है।

मैंने जीवन में एक अध्यापक बनने का फैसला किया है। एक अध्यापक देश का निर्माता होता है। मेरा उद्देश्य पैसा बनाना नहीं है। मैं गरीब बच्चों की सहायता करना चाहता हूँ। मैं उन्हें मुफ्त शिक्षा देना चाहता हूँ। मैं उनके अंदर अनुशासन पैदा करूंगा। मैं उनके लिए एक मददगार, दोस्त तथा उनकी देखभाल करने वाला व्यक्ति बनूंगा। मैं उनके लिए ऊँची सोच तथा ऊँचा उद्देश्य रखूगा। मैं ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि जीवन में यह लक्ष्य प्राप्त कर सकू 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Abou Ben Adhem Poem Class 7th, Tulip Series summary and question and answers

 Abou Ben Adhem


Poem Class 7th, Tulip Series

Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)

Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,

And saw, within the moonlight in his room,

Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,

An angel writing in a book of gold:—

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,

And to the presence in the room he said,

"What writest thou?"—The vision raised its head,

And with a look made of all sweet accord,

Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"

Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,

But cheerly still; and said, "I pray thee, then,

Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night

It came again with a great wakening light,

And showed the names whom love of God had blest,

And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.

Introduction of poem

“Abou Ben Adhem” is a narrative poem by Leigh Hunt in which he attempts to capture the spirit of brotherhood and fraternity with a hint of spiritual satisfaction. Leigh Hunt was an English essayist, critic, poet, and writer who was a sincere admirer of Thomas Gray and William Collins. This poem is based on the Arabian lore which tells the story of the Islamic month of Nous Sha’aban during which God opens the golden book of mankind and chooses those who love him to meet with him in the coming year. Hence, we see a magical encounter of an angel with Abou Ben Adhem.

Summary of the poem (Stanzawise)

Stanza 1

Abou Ben …….. his fellow men.

The poem Abou Ben Adhem by Leigh Hunt conveys a message that love for fellow beings is more important than love for God. In the opening lines of the poem, the poet wishes that may people like Abou, increase in the world. Such people are instrumental in spreading love and brotherhood in the world. One-night Abou woke up from a deep peaceful sleep.

‘Deep dream of peace’ gives a supernatural impact to the poem. The phrase is an example of alliteration, which is a figure of speech, where the consonant ‘d’ is repeated in ‘deep dream’.

It also symbolises that people like Abou sleep in peace because of their divine behaviour and character.

As he woke up by the light of the moon and the angel present in his room, he saw the angel, writing in a book of gold. The room seemed to be rich by the divine lights.

The poet uses personification in ‘making it rich’ and also a simile in the phrase ‘like a lily in bloom’. The poet describes the beauty of the room by these two figures of speech. He compares the beauty of the room to the beauty of a lily, which is in the process of blooming. ‘book of gold’ symbolises two things. First, that the owner is a divine messenger and second that the contents of the book are also divine.

The presence of the angel along with its light further enhances the already richly lit room of Abou. The peace and serenity made Abou bold as he was already a virtuously brave man and led a noble and pious life. He then boldly asks the angel what it was writing. To answer this question, the angel raised its head. It looked sweet and kind. It answered that the names of those who love God were beng listed. To this, Abou again asked if his name was there in the list. The angel’s negative reply made Abou feel sad and low.

Because of his optimism, he quickly overcame that lowliness and humbly requested his name to be written in a list of people who loved their fellow men.

Stanza 2

The angel wrote ……. led all the rest.

The next four lines of the poem are describing the next night when the angel reappeared. The light which the angel came with on the second night was brighter, than the night before. The angel that night showed Abou the names of those who are loved by God and thus blessed by Him. In this list, Abou found his name on the top.

The short second stanza of the poem is a message to the readers. The reappearance of the angel, with a list where Abou’s name was at the top, proves that even God loves those who love His creation more than Him.

Thinking about the poem

Question 1. What is the “it” of the poem’s fourth line?

Answer. The speaker is referring to his bedroom.

Question 2. In the second line of this poem, the words “deep,” “dream,” and “peace” rhyme. What is the literary term for this repetition of interior vowel sounds within a short section?

Answer. The literary term is assonance.

Question 3. In your own words, what question does Abou ask the angel in his room?

Answer. Abou asks the angel what it is writing in its book of gold.

Question 4. What is the angel’s reply to Abou’s question? How does Abou react?

Answer. The angel tells Abou that he is writing the names of those who love the Lord, and reveals that Abou’s name was not on this list. Abou then asks the angel to write him down as one who “loves his fellow man.”

Question 5. Why do you believe, at the end of this poem, Abou’s name “led all the rest” on the list of those who God had blest? What is Hunt trying to tell his reader by ending his poem this way?

Answer. Leigh Hunt seems to infer that God loves most not those who worship him best, but those who love and care for all men most.
