Friday, July 30, 2021

Colours of Rainbow Story, Class 8th Tulip Series

Colours of Rainbow 

Story, Class 8th Tulip Series

(Chanchal Sharma)

Translated by Shivnath

Colours of Rainbow 

Story, Class 8th Tulip Series


The author is looking out of the window. He was watching the beauties of nature. The rain had just stopped and drops of water dripping from plants. The kids were playing and making a lot of noise. Just then his daughter Munni came running up to him and asked him to come and see the swing of gudda – guddi. She pointed towards the rainbow in the sky. She told her father that she wants a swing of her own. The author told her to take the one in the sky which she refused. The author was lost in his own thoughts. He remembered how his grandmother had told her about the gudda – guddi. She had told him that he was a gudda and a guddi would come into his life. The guddi came in the form of his wife. She too had the same dreams as him. But life proved to be very tough for both of them. They with their four children found it difficult to cope up with his limited salary. The author often quarreled with his wife. This time round they also quarreled. The wife hurled choicest abuses at him and he left his home in anger.

The author returned home late at night. He took his meal outside and spent the afternoon in a cinema hall. The children had slept and his wife was waiting for him. She brought a Thali for him. She seemed to be normal. But the author insisted that he would not eat. But his wife insisted that he should eat or else she too will go hungry. She held his arm and the author had to oblige. He forced a morsel into her mouth. They laughed together. The next day the children told each other that their parents had reconciled and the swing of guddh and guddi was brighter that day.


awning:                 a canvas supported by a frame to give protection against the weather

barely:                   almost not

oblivious:              not aware of something

splendiferous:       splendid; grand in appearance

musing(n):            thoughts

convolutions:        twists; (here) troubles, difficulties

hues:                     colours

tiff:                       a slight argument

brewing:               about to happen

cherish:          to love, care and protect good riddance: used to express happiness that someone or something unwanted has gone.

hauteur:                 excessive pride

awry:                     not right

well-to-do:             rich, prosperous

remonstrate:           to argue in protest

fortification:          defence

breach:                  to break through

incarnation:           human form

Working with the Text

(A) Answer the following questions.

Question 1. What did the narrator observe when he looked out?

Ans. He observed the beauties of nature. He observed how the drops of water were dripping and sliding down the plants. He paid great attention to the raindrops.

Question 2. Why was the narrator unable to pay attention to what his daughter was saying?

Ans. The narrator was lost in his own thoughts and thus was unable to pay attention to what his daughter was saying.

Question 3. Why did the narrator have a tiff with his wife?

Ans. The family was hard up. The expenses had increased and the limited salary was insufficient for them to live a good life. The wife kept reminding the narrator of their poverty. This irritated him and he had a tiff with her.

Question 4. What did the narrator find when he returned home late at night?

Ans. When the narrator returned the kids had gone to sleep. The wife was sitting all by herself. She had not eaten since morning and was waiting for her husband.

Question 5. Why did the narrator not have an appetite?

Ans. The narrator had taken his lunch with his friends and thus had no appetite for more.

B) The following phrases, phrasal verbs, and idioms occur in the text. Find the sentences in which they occur.

burst into laughter, close by, looked at, cope with, wan and weak, all by herself, feel homesick, grown-up, in a huff, lost sight of, get up, got fed up with, picked up, hard up

(C) There are many Hindi words used in the story. List those Hindi words and write them in the space provided.

  1. Papaji
  2. Gudda –guddi
  3. Buddtic Prakash
  4. Thali
  5. Chapati

Language Work


Binomials are expressions (often idiomatic) where two words are joined by a conjunction (usually ‘and’). The order of the words is usually fixed. It is best to use them only in informal situations, with one or two exceptions.

Odds and Ends: Small, unimportant things, e.g.: Let’s get the main things packed; we can do the odds and ends later.

Give and take: a spirit of compromise, e.g.: Every relationship needs a bit of give and take to be successful.

• Here are some jumbled binomials. Using similarities in sound, join them with ‘and’. Then check a dictionary that you have the right word order.

prim all high safe rough bread butter dry tough sundry proper sound

Ans. Prim and proper; all and sundry; high and dry; safe and sound; rough and tough; bread and butter.

Ans. Law and order; now and then; hit and trial; clean and tidy; pick and choose.

The following binomials do not have and in the middle. What do they have? Check-in a dictionary if you are not sure.

1. Sooner …………………later

2. All ………………… nothing

3. Back …………………. Front

4. Sink ………………….. swim

5. Slowly ……………….. surely

6. Make ………………… break


(1) Or 

(2) For

(3) to

(4) or

(5) but 

(6) or

Use the following binomials in your own sentences:

i) part and parcel
Ans. joys and sorrows are part and parcel of life
ii) pick and choose
Ans. We must not follow pick and choose approach in life
iii) leaps and bounds
Ans. Cities are growing in leaps and bounds
Now Do it yourself
iv) peace and tide
v)first and foremost
vi)here and there
vii)on and off
viii)to and fro
ix)ladies and gentlemen
x)black and white
xi)sooner or later
xii)hot and cold

Grammar Work

Question tags (Do you? Isn’t it? etc.)

Put a question tag at the end of the following sentences. The first two have been done for you.

1. Tom won’t be late, will he?

2. You’re tired, aren’t you?

3. You’ve got a camera, haven’t you?

4. You weren’t listening, were you?

5. She doesn’t know Aneeka, does she?

6. Mubashir is on holiday, isn’t he?

7. Ram’s applied for a job, hasn’t he?

8. You can speak Dogri, can’t you?

9. He won’t mind if I use his phone, would he?

10. There are a lot of people here, aren’t here?

11. Let’s go out tonight, should we?

12. This isn’t very interesting, is it?

13. I’m too impatient, aren’t I?

14. You wouldn’t tell anyone, would you?

15. You wouldn’t listen, would you?

16. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, should I?

17. Don’t drop that vase, will you?

18. You’d never met me before, had you?

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Desh Gaan, class6th hindi kavita

पाठ 11 . देश-गान  

कक्षा 6 हिंदी कविता                                 

देश-गान कक्षा 6 हिंदी कविता  

बोद्ध और सराहना

प्रशन 1 हमें अपने देश पर अभिमान है क्योंकि 

(क) भारत एक विशाल देश है। 
(ख )भारत को उपमहाद्वीप कहा जाता है। 
(ग )भारत एक धनवान देश है। 
(घ )भारत की प्रकृति और संस्कृति निराली है। 

 उत्तर. (घ )भारत की प्रकृति और संस्कृति निराली है।

प्रशन 2. भारत को महान बनाने में सागर, गंगा और हिमालय का क्या योगदान है?
उत्तर. भारत को महान बनाने के लिए सागर सदा ही भारत के चरण स्पर्श करता रहता है, गंगा का निर्मल जल करोड़ों लोगो की प्यास भुझाता है और किसानो की लहलहाती फसलों की सिंचाई के काम आता  है. हिमालय पर्वत सिपाही सा सदैव खड़ा रहता है और एक मुकुट के रूप में भारत देश की शान बढ़ाता है।  

प्रशन 3. कविता की किन पंक्तियों का आशय है 
भारत भूमि का कण-कण वर्षा और धूप से खिल उठता है?
उत्तर. कली कली के प्राण खोलता।  

प्रशन 4. देश का कोई एक उधारण देकर समझाएं की हमारे देश के लोग आदिकाल से ही ज्ञान के क्षेत्र में आगे रहे हैं
उत्तर. भारत देश प्राचीन काल से ही ज्ञान के क्षेत्र में आगे रहा है। विश्व का प्राचीनतम विश्वविद्यालय नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय भारत में ही था। भारत के ही विद्वानों ने 0 और दशमलव का दान विश्व को दिया।

प्रशन5. देश को छोटी बहू ओर कोटि प्रणाम क्यों कहा गया है 
6. भाऊ स्पष्ट कीजिए
जान किरण का बांध देश का
झुक झुक नव करता पद वंदन

Monday, July 19, 2021

The Little Girl Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

 The Little Girl 

Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

Summary in English

In the story, there was a little girl named Kezia. She lives with her father, her mother, and her grandmother. Also, she was afraid of his father and tries to avoid him all the time. Moreover, she feels comforted on seeing his father leaving for office.

She was so afraid of her father that she mumbles in front of him as he appeared to her as rude, critical, and harsh. Further, her grandmother sought her to understand her parents better that’s why she would encourage her to go to the drawing-room to chat with her parents. Then again she finds them cold towards her.

So, one fine day her grandmother suggested Kezia prepare a pin cushion for her father’s birthday.

Consequently, Kezia stitches the three sides of the pincushion casing. But after that, she needs to stuff the cushion with something. That’s why she goes to her mother’s room 6 number the bed table, there she finds many sheets of fine paper.

Then she torn the paper into small pieces and filled the pincushion and sew up the forth side. However, she doesn’t that those papers contain her father’s very important speech for the Port Authority. Although she accepted her mistake and tries to explain the reason why she does it.

But her father was too angry to listen to her reason and punished her with a ruler on her palm. However, she failed to understand why she met out to punishment even after she accepted her mistake. Terribly she said, “What did God make father for?”

Most importantly, one evening she saw Mr. McDonalds, playing with her 5 children, laughing and enjoying with them. This event influenced Kezia that all fathers are not similar. She concluded, that some father is caring and loving like Mr. McDonald and some are harsh like her father.

However, her attitude towards her father changed. Someday, her mother needs to be hospitalized and her grandmother goes with her. So, Kezia was alone in the house with the cook. The day went fine but the night was a different issue. In the middle of the night, she woke up of fear screaming and weeping as she had a terrible nightmare. When Kezia opened her eyes she saw her father right next to her. Her father carried her to his bedroom and made her comfortable and warm on his bed. Further, her father told her to rub her feet with his legs and set them warm. She spends the night with him feeling comfortable and safe.

After that, she realized that her father was not a bad person. And he loves and cares for her in his own way. Moreover, he had to work a whole day to provide for his family and was too weary by evening to play with her.



figure:                 the shape of the human body

yawn:                 to open the mouth involuntarily when feeling sleepy or bored

casual:                 not attaching any importance to

spectacles:           glasses

instant:                 exact moment of time

terrifying:             causing fear

snoring:                breathing noisily while sleeping

stare:                    look fixedly (usually used with preposition 'at')

stutter:                 stammer

brink:                  the extreme edge

giant:                 (in children's stories and myths) a creature of human shape but of very great size and strength

scraps:                 small pieces of something usually not wanted

stuff:                   to fill completely a container with something

sew:               to make stitches in clothes, etc. with a needle and thread

hue and cry:         a loud noise

pace:                 to walk with regular steps to and fro, usually because of nervousness

nightmare:         frightening dream

once and for all: forever.

snuggle:             lie or get close to somebody for warmth or affection.

The Little Girl  Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

Working with the Text
Q1. How did the little girl feel when her father went to work each day?
Ans. The little girl felt the glad sense of relief when her father went to work each day.

Q2. “She never stuttered with other people but only with father.” This shows that the little girl was:
a) Foolish b) Nervous c) Funny d) Unnatural
Ans. Nervous

Q3. Why did the little girl start, making the pincushion?
Ans. Little girl, started making pincushion as suggested by her grandmother, to gift it to her
father on his birthday, next week.

The Little Girl  Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

Q4. What did the little girl stuff the pincushion with?
Ans. Little girl stuffed the pincushion with tiny pieces, torn out from sheets of fine paper.

Q5. “What did God make fathers for?" Who said these words?
Ans. The child (Kezia-Little Girl), said these words while clinging to her grandmother.

Q6. What was Kezia's nightmare?
Ans. Kezia's, nightmare was about the butcher, who had a knife and a rope with him coming
nearer and nearer to her with a dreadful smile that made her crying in her dream.

The Little Girl  Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

Q7. Did the nightmare repeat itself?
Ans. Yes, the nightmare repeated itself whenever she slept.

Q8. What did the little girl's father do when she had the nightmare?
Ans. Whenever the little girl had the nightmare, her father took her in his arms into his bedroom
and laid down beside her.

09. Kezia's father (Choose the right option):
a) Loved his daughter b) Was indifferent to her
Ans. Loved his daughter

The Little Girl  Class 7th JKBOSE Tulip Series

Language Work
Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentences with suitable word/s taken from those in the brackets:

1. Lawyer to Mr. Lateef, “I_______ you to pay your taxes by March 31." (advice/advise)
Ans. Lawyer to Mr. Lateef, “I advise you to pay your taxes by March 31."
2.I____________ that we should go shopping. (plan/suggest)
Ans. I suggest that we should go shopping.
3. Sita is not ready. She hasn't_______ her hair yet. (done/made)
Ans. Sita is not ready. She hasn't made her hair yet.
4. It is bad manners to _______ at a person. (stare/ gaze)
Ans. It is bad manners to stare at a person.
5. On a cool summer evening we often _______ at the stars. (gaze/stare)
Ans. On a cool summer evening we often gaze at the stars.
6. The management has decided to _______ all the demands of the striking workers the
one for a pay revision. (accept/except)
Ans. The management has decided to accept all the demands of the striking workers except for
the one for a pay revision.
7. The man who sells was hurt in an accident when his car hit a _______ lorry.
Ans. The man who sells stationery was hurt in an accident when his car hit a stationary lorry.
8. The world needs a lot more people working for _______ . We want the country to be in one
always. (peace/piece)
Ans. The world needs a lot more people working for peace. We want the country to be in one
piece always.
9. The _______ of this institution is a man of _______ (principle/principal)
Ans. The principal of this institution is a man of principle.
difficult to find a room in this hostel. (quiet/quite)
10. It is _______ difficult to find a _______ room in this hostel. (quiet/quite)
Ans. It is quite difficult to find a quiet room in this hostel.

Grammar Work
A. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from those given below. Make necessary changes in the tense of the verb.

Look for look through look after blow out pull off give up
Look at push open hurry up fill with
1. I am filled with admiration for his bravery.
2. Hurry up! It's getting late.
3. She pushed open the door of the drawing-room.
4. "look at the blackboard" The teacher said to the student.
5. He has given up smoking.
6. The little girl was ordered to pull off the boots of her father.
7. Blow out the candle, please.
8. we should look after plants around us.
9. She looked through a window.
10. I am looking for my lost pen.

B. Give the adjective forms of the following adverbs:
Adverbs                                 Adjectives
Laboriously                             laborious
Soundly                                   sound
Properly                                   proper
Sharply                                    sharp
Finally                                     final
Suddenly                                 sudden
Quickly                                   quick
Slowly                                    slow
Especially                               especial
