Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Windows poem class7th


poem class7th

Summary of the Poem

            The poem ‘Windows’ is written by Wes Magee. The poem is about a student who walks down the long corridor and sees different things. He sees colourful picture covers of books and animals of the places he had never visited. The poet ties to bring out the feelings of a student about the classroom and its surroundings. The student looks onto the worlds, through a window, he has never visited where he sees white clouds, icebergs, waterfalls and many other things. He is always willing to carry messages or registers to other classrooms or office as it gives him a chance of seeing these things repeatedly.


poem class7th Questions and Answers

Reading is Fun |Questions and Answers

Q. 1. Where does the speaker walk?
Ans. The speaker who is a student walks down the long corridor on the way to his classroom.

Q. 2. What ‘view’ does he get from the window of the classroom? Is it dull or exciting? Pick out words in support of your answer.
Ans. From the window of the classroom, the poet sees a familiar view . It is dull because it has deserted playground, the grey November sky, rows of houses and chimneys of closed – down factories.

Q.3. Why does the family cower in the cave?
Ans. The family cowers in the cave because of fear of becoming prey to a sabre-tooth ( wild cat). The family has apprehension that the wild cat may attack them. They rescue themselves from wild beasts.

Q. 4. Why is the playground deserted?

Ans. The playground is deserted because there is no one playing or moving in the ground. Children are busy in classrooms, and it is cold outside.


poem class7th Questions and Answers

Q. 5. Name the things, which the speaker sees in stanza 3.

Ans. The speaker sees a desolate playground, a grey November sky, row of houses and chimneys of closed-down factory.

Q. 6. Why is the speaker willing to take the register or messages to the office and the classroom?
Ans. The speaker is willing to bring registers or messages to the office and the classroom because it gives him an opportunity to see interesting stuff again and again.

Q. 7. Who is ‘I’ in this poem?

Ans. ‘I’ is the persona/speaker of the poem and the persona is a student in the poem.

Language Work

1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

Looks, willing, classroom, waterfalls, Africa, walks, sees, visited

The poem is about a student who walks down the long corridor and sees different things. He, looks onto the worlds, through a window, he has never visited. He also sees elephants in Africa, a jet airliner cruising far above the white clouds, waterfalls, icebergs, and many other things. He is always willing to carry messages or registers to other classrooms or offices as it gives him a chance of seeing these things again, and again.

2. Write down at least five words, which have been, repeated in the poem.

Ans. Many words have been repeated in the poem such as classroom, world, walk, window, down, see, corridor, etc.,

Let’s Talk

Did you enjoy the poem? Why? Talk to other students about the things you see in your classroom and outside your classroom.

Ans. The poem is very beautiful. I enjoyed it because is about the student who sees the various things while walking down the corridor. It relates to my experience. In my classroom, I see a large number of things. I see many students of different sorts. I see whiteboards, chairs, pictures on walls, and smiling faces in my classroom and trees of different sizes, green grass, animals, birds, and many other enjoyable things outside my classroom. All these things are enjoyable.

Let’s Write

1) a) Write a short description of your classroom.

Ans. I am a student of the seventh standard. There are 30 students in my classroom. The classroom is on the ground floor of the school building. It is spacious and beautiful. It is 20 feet long and 12 feet wide. It is ventilated. It has two doors and three windows. Its walls are all whitewashed. It has three windows and a door. It has a cemented floor. It has a big whiteboard. There are one comfortable chair and a big table for the teacher. There are two rows of desks for boys and girls. My classroom is good and airy. I love my classroom.

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