Monday, July 12, 2021

Water Conservation essay class 7th


Water Conservation

Essay for Class 7th

Water is an invaluable gift of nature for us, without water we cannot even imagine life without water, this is also the saying of water soon. In today’s era, the decreasing potable water has become a concern, every citizen will have to think to get out of this problem. If we continue to wastewater in this way, then the day is not far when we will not have potable clean water.

Not only humans, the life of trees, plants and animals are also completely dependent on water. Water will become so expensive in the coming times that a big crisis can arise in the lives of the poor. No matter how many technical tools we make in the name of scientific progress, the alternative of water can never be discovered.

Therefore, we should wake up in time, and instead of indiscriminately exploiting the resources of nature, we have to take steps towards its limited use, only then our future generations will be able to have clean water and air. In the greed for money, man has become so blind that he forgot the importance of water like nectar and polluted the water source for his progress.

Samples of water wastage will be seen everywhere in India and around the world. Yesterday thousands of litres of water are wasted in factories. The water is removed from the ground and it is drained into the river drains along with the wastes. In many places, the filthy water of factories is dumped in fields tomorrow, which of course causes major damage to crops and land. Water pumps installed in homes are also to some extent responsible for its exploitation.

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