Saturday, September 4, 2021

Single use plastic Pollution (A Speech)

 Single use plastic Pollution (A Speech)

Good Morning, to everyone present here. 

My name is Priya Devi Class 10th . I am a student of Government Higher Secondary School Sanasar, 

        Today  I am going to present a speech about Single use plastic Pollution. Single use plastic is one of the most prevalent causes of pollution including environmental as well as water pollution. It has devastating impact on oceans, sea animals and hydrophytes. Therefore ban on single use plastic is very important. Governments in many countries including India has started campaign to stop using single use plastic and use environment friendly carry bags. 

Single use plastic is very harmful for human beings, animals, marine creatures and hydrophytes. In the water bodies, aquatic animals mistakenly consume plastic particles along with their food. 

Many marine animals including fishes, sea birds, turtles are found to have plastics in their stomach. These plastics, pierce the organ of animals and block the digestive systems resulting in serious health problems and causing death. 

We need to understand the various problems caused by the single use plastic. It is therefore obvious that we should stop using single use plastic items unless it is very necessary, and move towards environment friendly products and services. 

We should also come up with technologies that recycles plastics more efficiently so that plastic wastes are recycled and reused. It is our duty to stop using single use plastic to protect our planet, environment and human beings. 

Indian Government has laid out a multi-ministerial plan to discourage the use of single use plastics across the country to free India of single use plastics by 2022. 

The nationwide ban on plastic bags, cups, plates, water bottles, straws etc. has already began from October 2, 2019 to eliminate single use plastics from cities and villages that rank among the world's most polluted.

In view of the above it is our responsibility towards our nature, planet and all living creatures to stop using single use plastic to enable them to be happy, healthy and prosperous. 

 Thank you.

Jai Hind Jai Bharat


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