Wednesday, May 3, 2023

English 7thClass : Lesson 2 – Lal Ded

English 7thClass : Lesson 2 – Lal



Working with the Text

Q1. What are the titles given to Lal Ded?


Ans. Lalla, Lal Arifa, Lalleshwari, and Mai Lal Diddi, Lal Yogeshwari and Lalla the great are the titles given to Lal Ded.


Q2. Why did she leave her in-laws?


Ans. Lal Ded left her in-laws and took Sanyas at the age of twenty-four because her married life proved unhappy.

Q3. Where did she go and what did she do?


Ans. She took Sanyas (renunciation) and went to Shaivite and Sufi School. She gave up worldly pursuits and pleasures to know God.


Q4. What is Vaakh?


Ans. A Vaakh is a saying or speech of mystic poetry of Lal Ded popularly known as Lal Vaakh. A collection of Vaakhs in the form of a poem is called mystic poetry. Lal Ded created mystic poetry.


Q5. What are the features of Lal Ded’s poetry?


Ans. Lal Ded’s poetry consists of a four-line structured theme called Vaakhs. Her Vaakhs represent the best teaching for mankind. They inspire to seek unity and harmony among the people of all races and religions.


Q6. Who came under her influence?


Ans. Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali (R.A), the famous Kashmiri poet-saint came under the influence of Lal Ded.


Q7. Who translated her poetry into English?


Ans. Lal Ded’s poetry has been translated into English by Richard Temple, Jaylal Kaul, Coleman Barks, Jaishree Odin, and Neerja Mattoo.


Language Work:

Match the following to form compound words. Write the new words in the space provided.



 1. Omni + Present = Omnipresent


2. What + Ever = Whatever


3. Every + Where = Everywhere


4. Your + Self = Yourself


5. Under + Neath = Underneath


Grammar Work

A. Add suffixes to the words in the brackets and fill in the blanks with the new words:


1. Polythene is a silent (kill) killer for the human race.


2. Smoking is (danger) dangerous to health.


3. It is very (dread) dreadful to use polythene.


4. The cat is (love) a lovely pet.


5. Pahalgam has a good (scene) scenic beauty.


6. Some people spend a very (joy) joyous life.


7. Junaid is a very (admire) admirable guy.


8. Polythene is (slow) slowly destroying the earth.


9. That was a (wonder) wonderful scene.


10. There are many (rhyme) rhyming words in the poem.


B. Add prefixes to the words in the brackets and fill in the blanks with the new words:


1. I am happy and I enjoy (joy) life.


2. Rashid can read and write. He is not an illiterate (literate) person.


3. Can we control polythene? Yes, nothing is impossible (possible).


4. Aabid is never irregular (regular).


5. Two and two make five. This is incorrect (correct).


6. Keep your luggage aside (side) and sit down.


7. We should exchange (change) our views with each other.

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