Friday, April 28, 2023

Life class 8th Tulip series book viii

Prose 2: Life (U2)


Q1. What answer did the stars give to the wind?

Ans: Stars told the wind that they have their own light and with this light. They are independent. Life of dependence is no life. Having their own light is the life for them. 

Q2. What was the moon's reply? 

Ans: The moon replied that its life is life of dependence. It borrows light from stars and this borrowed light is the cause of its black spots. Due to this, its life is like a widow. Its life is dependent on others and feels lifeless entity and child of the ocean.

Q3. What was the oceans response?

 Ans: The Ocean replied that the idea of life is to realize one's limits and maintain one's dignity to contain all bitter experiences and take them as pearls and rubies. The life is also a penance or renunciation, as if it (ocean) is the cause of someone's death it also regrets it by giving them pearls and rain because salty water of it creates pearls and create clouds full of rain.

Q4. What was the earth's reply to the question put forth to her by the wind?

Ans: For earth the meaning of life is 'love'. Earth considers herself the mother of all lives and says that the sympathy of mother is the gift of life. Earth says that it takes water from clouds, rivers, and streams and distributes everything that sprouts from it, so this taking and giving is life for her.

Q5. What was the little girl doing when the wind saw her?

Ans: The little girl was lighting new lamps with the lamp that was already alight in her hand.

Q6. Why was the Wind impressed by the little girl?

Ans: The wind was impressed by the girl because she found the real meaning of life from the words that the girl told her. The wind understood that helping those who have a strong desire to live is the real meaning of life.

Q7. Why did the wind join the girl?

Ans: The wind joined the girl because she was impressed by the answer given by her. Thus the Wind forgot everything and joined her.


I. Choose appropriate filler for the following: (Kindly consult your text book),(Answers Only):

1. He tames because he

Ans: (c), He is fond of them.

2. He is so lazy that he

Ans: (c), He can seldom complete his work.

3. Whichever way you approach the problem

Ans: (d), It will not be solved.

4. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking

Ans: (d), He will not recover.

II. Write two synonyms of each of the following Words: (Answers Only):

1. Abhor………..Hate, Dislike

2. Betray……….Expose, Deceive,

3. Counsel……..Advice, Guidance,

4. Delight………Pleasure, Happiness,

5. Educate………. Teach, Instruct

6. Fate……………Destiny, Luck

7. Generous……..Benevolent, Liberal

8. Hasty………..Quick, Fast

9. Intellectual…….Knowledgeable, Intelligent

10. Justice……….Fairness, Impartiality

11. Languid………Lazy, weak

12. Mend……….Repair, Fix,

13. Nonsense……..Senseless, stupidity

14. Obstacle……..Difficulty, Problem

15. Palatable………Edible, Tasty,

16. Queer………….Unusual, Odd,

17. Religious………Holy, Pious

18. Sober………… Moderate, Serious

19. Transient……… Brief, Temporary,

20. Urge…………..Need, Wish,


Write the following sentences inserting ‘to’ wherever necessary before the infinitive in brackets:

1. I have no money (lend) you.          

 Ans. I have no money to lend you.

2. We saw the thief (run).                 

 Ans. We saw the thief running.

3. We heard her (sing).                       

Ans. We heard her singing.

4. They watched their team (play).     

Ans. They watched their team to play.

5. He made us (wait) for a long time. 

Ans. He made us to wait for a long time.

6. Let him (work).                              

 Ans. Let him to work.

7. Need I (come) tomorrow?              

Ans. Need I to come tomorrow?

8. Do you wish make (make) a complaint?    

 Ans. Do you wish to make a complaint?

9. A heard a cock (crow) and got up.             

Ans. He heard a cock crowing and got up.

10. How dare you (read my letter?                 

Ans. How dare you to read my letter?

11. It is up to you (increase) your knowledge.           

Ans. It is up to you to increase your knowledge.

12. Bid him (go) there.                        

Ans. Bid him to go there.

13. Good bye! I hope (see) you again.            

Ans. Good bye! I hope to see you again.

14. I would like (be) a teacher.           

Ans. I would like to be a teacher.

15. He learnt (swim) when he was ten years old.       

Ans. He learnt to swim when he was ten years old.

16. I’m tired. I want (go) to bed.        

Ans. I’m tired. I want to go to bed.

17. What have you decided (do)?      

Ans. What have you decided to do?

18. We should learn (speak) the truth.            

Ans. We should learn to speak the truth.

19. Where is Sumaya? I need (ask) her something.    

Ans. Where is Sumaya? I need to ask her something.

20. I’m trying (concentrate). Please stop talking.      

 Ans. I’m trying to concentrate. Please stop talking.

Let’s Write:

1. Write a dialogue (100-150 words) on ‘Life is Gift’.  (By Bilal Ahmad Kulgam)

Daniel (walking towards the park) Hello George, how is life treating you?
George: I’m pretty good.
Daniel: OK George. Now tell me, how were your exams?
George: Oh yes, I’ve done very well. I hope this year I could make the top.
Daniel: Oh that’s great! I wish for your ascending success. How is your friend, Mark? I’ve not seen him for many days.
George: Daniel, our friend had been suffering from Asthma for the last seven years and.....yesterday he died of Asthma.
Daniel: Oh my God! That is so terrible.
George: Actually he was residing in pollution prone area. It is certainly said that life is a gift and we must take great care of it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

A Shadow, Class 7th Tulip series

Class 7th - English : Short Stories - Lesson 4 –

A Shadow

| Story 4 |English 7th | Tulip Series |

(R. K. Narayan)

Working with the Text

(A) Answer the following questions:

Q 1 . Sambu was eager but his mother reluctant to see the film. Why?

Ans. Sambu was eager to see his father back to life in the film but his mother was reluctant because she could not bear to see her six-month dead husband moving, talking, and singing in the film. Her husband was very dear to her.

Q2. Who wrote the story, and how much was he, paid for it?

Ans. Sambu’s father wrote the story and he was, paid ten thousand rupees for writing and acting.

Q3. What was the story about?

Ans. The story was about a young girl, named Kumari, who refused to marry at fourteen but wanted to, study in a university and earn an independent living, and was cast, away by her stern father and forgiven at the end.

Q4. When the film ended the first day, what did Sambu realize?

Ans. When the film ended the first day, Sambu turned about and gazed at the aperture in the projection room as if his father has vanished into it.

Q5. When Sambu’s mother asked him if he would like to go and see the picture again the next day, what was Sambu’s response?

Ans. Sambu was delighted and told his mother that he would like to see the picture as long as, it was shown, in the theatre.

Q6. How long did Sambu live in his father’s company?

Ans. Sambu lived in his father’s company for a week or more and felt depressed at the end of every show.

Q7. When did Sambu's mother agree to see the picture?

Ans. Sambu persuaded his mother and she agreed to see the picture on the last day for the night show. They were changing the picture the next day.

Q8. What was the unbearable scene for Sambu’s mother?

Ans. The scene, in which Sambu’s father reclined in a chair while reading a newspaper, was unbearable to Sambu’s mother. This was the actual scene that recalled her memory of married life when her husband used to sit in his canvas chair and how she lost her temper on the day of his death.

Q9. How did Sambu help his mother go home and what did he feel?

Ans. Sambu fetched a jutka and helped his mother into it. His heart became heavy and he burst into tears because he was, affected both by his mother’s breakdown and by the feeling that that was the final parting from his father, as they were changing the picture the next day.

(B) Write True or False in the box provided against each statement:

(I). Sambu’s father, a writer, and actor was dead.    True

(ii). Sambu’s friend hated Tamil pictures but still saw the picture.        False

(iii). Kumari was Sambu’s sister.          False

(iv). Sambu lived in his father’s company three hours a day as long as the picture was on screen.            True

(v). Sambu’s mother was reluctant in the beginning to see the picture but Sambu persuaded her to see the last show.               True

(vi). The newspaper scene was unbearable for Sambu’s mother.           True

(vii). The lights were put on in a women’s class when Sambu’s mother fainted there during the show.      True

(viii). Sambu’s mother did not see the picture after she fainted and was taken home by Sambu.          True

 (ix). Sambu was affected both by his mother’s breakdown and by the parting from his father in the end.    True

Language Work

Match the phrases from ‘A’ with their meanings in ‘B’:


                  A                                      B

Grammar Work

Change the narration of the following:

1. Direct: She said, “Where are you going?”

Indirect: She asked where I was going.

2. Direct: I said to Brijis, “When will your college reopen?”

Indirect: I asked Brijis when his college would reopen.

3. Direct: The teacher said to us, “Can you tell me why girls outshine boys?”

Indirect: The teacher asked us if we could tell him why girls outshine boys.

4. Direct: The teacher said to Aslam, “Why were you not present at this place yesterday?”

Indirect: The teacher asked/enquired Aslam why he was not present at that place the previous day.

5. Direct: The teacher said, “ Why are you making a noise?”

Indirect: The teacher asked why we were making a noise.

6. Indirect: I asked him where he was going.

Direct: I said to him, “Where are you going?”

7. Indirect: The teacher asked the newcomer which school he had attended last.

Direct: The teacher said to the newcomer, “Which school have you attended last?”

8. Indirect: You asked her if she could play carrom.

Direct: You said to her, “Can you play carrom?”

9. Indirect: I asked them if they knew him.

Direct: I said to them, “Do you know him?”

10. Indirect: She asked you why you were late.

Direct: She said, “Why are you late?”

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Wrinkles Poem class 8th. Tulip Series


Poem class 8th. Arvind 



One wrinkle of the time : 

When your father uprooted you 

From the backyard of his house 

To plant you in the courtyard of others

 1. Answer the following questions briefly : | 

(i) What does the word ‘wrinkle represent ?

Answer: 1. (i) The word ‘wrinkle’ here represents the pain that the poet's mother had at the ame of departure from her parents’ home after her marriage. 

 (ii)) What does the expression, ‘uprooted you from the backyard of his house,’ ‘mean ? 

Answer(ii) This expression means that the poet's mother left her parents’ home after her marriage. 

2. Choose the most appropriate option 

(i) Who has composed these lines ? 

(a) Alfred Tennyson. 

(b) Wilham Shakespeare.

(c) Arvind. 

(d) Abdul Ahad Azad. 

Answer. (c) Arvind

(ui) The word 'uprooted' has been used as : 

(a) a noun.

(b) an adjective. 

(c) a verb

(d) an adverb. 

Answer. (c) a verb.
