Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Wrinkles Poem class 8th. Tulip Series


Poem class 8th. Arvind 



One wrinkle of the time : 

When your father uprooted you 

From the backyard of his house 

To plant you in the courtyard of others

 1. Answer the following questions briefly : | 

(i) What does the word ‘wrinkle represent ?

Answer: 1. (i) The word ‘wrinkle’ here represents the pain that the poet's mother had at the ame of departure from her parents’ home after her marriage. 

 (ii)) What does the expression, ‘uprooted you from the backyard of his house,’ ‘mean ? 

Answer(ii) This expression means that the poet's mother left her parents’ home after her marriage. 

2. Choose the most appropriate option 

(i) Who has composed these lines ? 

(a) Alfred Tennyson. 

(b) Wilham Shakespeare.

(c) Arvind. 

(d) Abdul Ahad Azad. 

Answer. (c) Arvind

(ui) The word 'uprooted' has been used as : 

(a) a noun.

(b) an adjective. 

(c) a verb

(d) an adverb. 

Answer. (c) a verb.

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