Monday, July 12, 2021

Water Conservation essay class 7th


Water Conservation

Essay for Class 7th

Water is an invaluable gift of nature for us, without water we cannot even imagine life without water, this is also the saying of water soon. In today’s era, the decreasing potable water has become a concern, every citizen will have to think to get out of this problem. If we continue to wastewater in this way, then the day is not far when we will not have potable clean water.

Not only humans, the life of trees, plants and animals are also completely dependent on water. Water will become so expensive in the coming times that a big crisis can arise in the lives of the poor. No matter how many technical tools we make in the name of scientific progress, the alternative of water can never be discovered.

Therefore, we should wake up in time, and instead of indiscriminately exploiting the resources of nature, we have to take steps towards its limited use, only then our future generations will be able to have clean water and air. In the greed for money, man has become so blind that he forgot the importance of water like nectar and polluted the water source for his progress.

Samples of water wastage will be seen everywhere in India and around the world. Yesterday thousands of litres of water are wasted in factories. The water is removed from the ground and it is drained into the river drains along with the wastes. In many places, the filthy water of factories is dumped in fields tomorrow, which of course causes major damage to crops and land. Water pumps installed in homes are also to some extent responsible for its exploitation.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Hindi test class 10th


Govt. Higher Secondary School Sanasar

Class TEST                                                     Class 10th

Subject - हिंदी                                              Max. Marks =10

 Question 1:

भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए

क  ) बिरह भुवंगम तन बसै, मंत्र  लागै कोइ।

ख ) कस्तूरी कुंडलि बसैमृग ढूँढै बन माँहि।

ग ) जब मैं था तब हरि नहींअब हरि हैं मैं नाँहि।

घ )  जम्मू-कश्मीर में बोली जाने वाली भाषाओं के नाम लिखो।

ङ ) व्याख्या कीजिये 

हिमालय के आँगन में उसे, प्रथम किरणों का दे उपहार

उषा ने हँस अभिनंदन किया और पहनाया हीरक-हार

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Life, Class 8th, Tulip Series JKBOSE


Class 8th, Tulip Series JKBOSE


captivity              = The state of being imprisoned

shroud                 = a cloth that is used to wrap a dead body (winding-sheet, covering)

confront              = to face, meet or deal with a difficult situation (challenge)

penance               = an act which shows that you regret what you have done, (atonement, expiation, self-mortification, self-punishment)

rumble                 = to make a continuous low sound (boom, thunder, roll, roar, resound, reverberate, echo, grumble)

parched                 = very thirsty (dried up, arid, desiccated, dehydrated, baked, scorched; opp: soaking)

Mamta                 = motherhood 

boon                     = something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life (blessing, advantage, godsend

stroke                   = of luck; opp: curse

comprehend         = to understand (grasp, take in, apprehend, follow, make sense of, decipher, figure out)

meditate                = to think deeply (contemplates, think, reflect, deliberate, ruminate, brood mull over, put on one‘s thinking cap)

yearn                     = to have a strong desire (long, pine, crave, desire, hanker, wish, covet)

renunciation         =The act of leaving or abandoning someone or something.

Thinking about Text

Q. No. 1. What answer did the stars give to the wind?

Ans: Since the stars have their own shine, they responded in their own way. They told the wind that shining with one’s own brightness is life. They have got their own light and they are shining with this light to help others to find their way. They are not dependent on others. It there is dependence in life, it is not the life in the real sense of the word. For them, life is to have their own light.

Q. No. 2. What was the moon’s reply?

Ans: The moon laments for it is not blessed with a light of its own. The borrowed light has lifted indelible spots on its surface. It is a lifeless entity. It replied that its life is dependent on others and feels lifeless entity and child of the ocean.

Q.No. 3 What was the ocean’s response?

Ans: The Ocean replied that the idea of life was to realize one’s limitations and maintain one’s dignity in order to contain all bitter experiences and to take them as pearls and rubies. Life is also a penance or renunciation as if it (ocean) is the cause of somebody’s death, it also regrets it by giving them pearls and rain as its salty water creates pearls and creates rain-filled clouds.

Q.No 4. What was the earth’s reply to the question put forth to her by the wind?

Ans: For earth, the meaning of life is ‘love’. Earth considers herself the mother of all lives and says that the sympathy of the mother is the gift of life. Earth says that it takes water from clouds, rivers, and streams and distributes everything that sprouts from it, so this taking and giving is life for her.

Q. No. 5. What was the little girl doing when the wind saw her?

Ans: The little girl was lighting new lamps with the lamp that was already alight in her hand. In other words, she was generously spreading light and joy. Thus she was giving real meaning to her life.

Q.No. 6. Why was the Wind impressed by the little girl?

Ans. The wind was impressed by the girl because from the words that the girl told her she found the real meaning of life. The girl had left some lamps unlighted. When she was asked the reason for this, she answered that there was no point in lighting them since they had no oil in them. She was lighting only those who were longing to awake and waiting to be lighted. It impressed the wind. The wind understood that helping those who have a strong desire to live is the real meaning of life.

Q.No. 7. Why did the wind join the girl?

Ans: The wind joined the girl because she was greatly impressed by the girl’s action of lighting the lamps and answer given by her.

The wind understood that helping those who have a strong desire to live is the real meaning of life. Thus the Wind forgot everything and joined her.


I. Choose appropriate tiller for the following:(Kindly consult your textbook),(Answers Only):

1. He tames because of he

Ans: (c), He is fond of them.

2. He is so lazy that he

Ans: (c), He can seldom complete his work.

3. Whichever way you approach the problem

Ans: (d), It will not be solved.

4. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking

Ans: (d), He will not recover.

II. Write two synonyms of each of the following Words: (Answers Only):

1. Abhor = Hate, Detest, Dislike, Despise

2. Betray = Expose, Reveal, Deceive, Grass

3. Counsel = Advice, Discuss, Guidance, Direction

4. Delight = Please, Satisfy, Pleasure, Happiness, Joy

5. Educate = Amend, Improve, Teach, Instruct

6. Fate = Destiny, Fortune, Luck

7. Generous = Benevolent, Big-hearted, Lavish, Liberal

8. Hasty = Quick, Speedy, Hurried, Swift, Rapid, Fast

9. Intellectual = Knowledgeable, Intelligent, Logical, Scholarly

10. Justice = Fairness, Impartiality, Rightfulness, Uprightness

11. Languid = Lazy, weak, Unhurried, Unenergetic, Relaxed

12. Mend = Aid, Patch, Repair, Fix, Restore

13. Nonsense = Senseless, Gibberish, Babble, Drivel

14. Obstacle = The difficulty, Problem, Complication, Hindrance, Restraint

15. Palatable = Edible, Pleasant, Tasty, Satisfying

16. Queer = Unusual, Unexpected, Odd, Expose, Endanger

17. Religious = Sacred, Spiritual, Holy, Pious, Puritan

18. Sober = Temperate, Moderate, Intoxicated, Serious

19. Transient = Fleeting, Passing, Brief, Temporary, Short-lived

20. Urge =Need, Wish, Impulse, Itch, Craving


Write the following sentences inserting ‘to’ wherever necessary before the infinitive in brackets:

1. I have no money (lend) you.

Ans. I have no money to lend you.

2. We saw the thief (run).

Ans. We saw the thief running.

3. We heard her (sing).

Ans. We heard her singing.

4. They watched their team (play).

Ans. They watched their team play.

5. He made us (wait) for a long time.

Ans. He made us wait for a long time.

6. Let him (work).

Ans. Let him work.

7. Need I (come) tomorrow?

Ans. Need I to come tomorrow?

8. Do you wish to make (make) a complaint?

Ans. Do you wish to make a complaint?

9. A heard a hen (crow) and got up.

Ans. He heard a hen crowing and got up.

10. How dare you (read my letter? Ans. How dare you to read my letter?

11. It is up to you (increase) your knowledge.

Ans. It is up to you to increase your knowledge.

READ ALSO:  Prayer for Strength By Rabindranath Tagore Summary and Questions Answers

12. Bid him (go) there.

Ans. Bid him go there.

13. Goodbye! I hope (see) you again. Ans. Goodbye! I hope to see you again.

14. I would like (be) a teacher.

Ans. I would like to be a teacher.

15. He learned (swim) when he was ten years old.

Ans. He learned to swim when he was ten years old.

16. I’m tired. I want (go) to bed.

Ans. I’m tired. I want to go to bed.

17. What have you decided (do)?

Ans. What have you decided to do?

18. We should learn (speak) the truth. Ans. We should learn to speak the truth.

19. Where is Sumaya? I need (ask) her something.

Ans. Where is Sumaya? I need to ask her something.

20. I’m trying (concentrate). Please stop talking.

Ans. I’m trying to concentrate. Please stop talking.

Let’s Write

1. Write a dialogue (100-150 words) on ‘Life is Gift’.

Shahid: Hello Shabir, how is your life going on?

Shabir: I’m spending my days pretty well.

Shahid: OK Shabir. Now tell me, how were your exams?

Shabir: Oh yes, I’ve done very well. I expect this year I come out as flying colour.

Shahid: Oh that’s great! I wish for your great success. How’s your friend, Mohsin? I’ve not seen him for the last few months.

Shabir: Shahid, as you know our friend had been suffering from Asthma for the last seven years and…..yesterday he died of Asthma.

Shahid: Oh my God! That is terribly sad news. I can’t believe it! 

Shabir: Actually he was living in the pollution-prone area and he was a little careless about his health.

Shahid: Oh yes, it is certainly said that life is a gift and we must take great care of it.
