Saturday, September 4, 2021

Single use plastic Pollution (A Speech)

 Single use plastic Pollution (A Speech)

Good Morning, to everyone present here. 

My name is Priya Devi Class 10th . I am a student of Government Higher Secondary School Sanasar, 

        Today  I am going to present a speech about Single use plastic Pollution. Single use plastic is one of the most prevalent causes of pollution including environmental as well as water pollution. It has devastating impact on oceans, sea animals and hydrophytes. Therefore ban on single use plastic is very important. Governments in many countries including India has started campaign to stop using single use plastic and use environment friendly carry bags. 

Single use plastic is very harmful for human beings, animals, marine creatures and hydrophytes. In the water bodies, aquatic animals mistakenly consume plastic particles along with their food. 

Many marine animals including fishes, sea birds, turtles are found to have plastics in their stomach. These plastics, pierce the organ of animals and block the digestive systems resulting in serious health problems and causing death. 

We need to understand the various problems caused by the single use plastic. It is therefore obvious that we should stop using single use plastic items unless it is very necessary, and move towards environment friendly products and services. 

We should also come up with technologies that recycles plastics more efficiently so that plastic wastes are recycled and reused. It is our duty to stop using single use plastic to protect our planet, environment and human beings. 

Indian Government has laid out a multi-ministerial plan to discourage the use of single use plastics across the country to free India of single use plastics by 2022. 

The nationwide ban on plastic bags, cups, plates, water bottles, straws etc. has already began from October 2, 2019 to eliminate single use plastics from cities and villages that rank among the world's most polluted.

In view of the above it is our responsibility towards our nature, planet and all living creatures to stop using single use plastic to enable them to be happy, healthy and prosperous. 

 Thank you.

Jai Hind Jai Bharat


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Senapati Tantya Tope

सेनापति तात्या टोपे 

कक्षा 6 पाठ 12

प्रश्न अभ्यास
बोध और सराहना

1. 18 अप्रैल 1859 ईस्वी को शिवपुरी के आसपास ग्रामीणों की भीड़ पहाड़ियों पर क्यों बढ़ती जा रही थी
क) पहाड़ी पर टिड्डी दल की तरह बिखरे गोरी पलटन के हजारों सिपाहियों को देखने के लिए।
ख) न्याय का नाटक खेलने वाले भाई त्रस्त अंग्रेज अधिकारियों को देखने के लिए।
ग) स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के अजय योद्धा तात्या टोपे के अंतिम दर्शन करने के लिए।

उत्तर (ग)स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के अजय योद्धा तात्या टोपे के अंतिम दर्शन करने के लिए।

2. प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के सूर्यास्त से लेखक का क्या तात्पर्य है?
उत्तर. तात्या टोपे प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के अग्रिम स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों में से एक थे। तात्या टोपे एक वीर कुशल और स्वामी भक्त सेना नायक थे। जब तात्या टोपे को फांसी दी गई तो इसे लेखक ने प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के सूर्यास्त का नाम दिया।

3. फांसी के तख्ते पर पहला कदम रखते ही वीर तात्या टोपे ने सबसे पहले क्या काम किया और क्यों?

उत्तर. फांसी के तख्ते पर पहला कदम रखने से पूर्व वह झुके। धरती मां की पवित्र माटी से अपने माथे पर तिलक लगाया। उन्होंने ऐसा इसलिए किया कि वह धरती माता को प्रणाम करके उनसे क्षमा याचना की कि वह अंग्रेजों से भारत माता  की रक्षा नहीं कर पाए और भारत माता की रक्षा करते करते शहीद हो गए।

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Bahu Fort Class7th chapter 7

The Bahu Fort

Class7th chapter 7

Working with the Text 

Q1.  Where is the Bahu Fort, situated? 

Ans. The Bahu Fort is situated along the 
banks of river Tawi. 

Q2. Who built it and when? 

Ans. The Bahu Fort was built by Raja Bahulochan about 3000 years ago. 

Q3. Describe the interior and exterior of it.

Ans. In the interior of the fort, there is a temple of Bawey Wali Mata and in the exterior of the fort, there is a majestic terraced garden with extensive lawns and flowers are known as Bagh-e-Bahu. 

Q4. Why is it a place of religious significance? 

Ans. The Bahu Fort is a place of religious significance because of the temple of Bawey Wali Mata. 

Q5. Which part is the favourite picnic place in the fort? 

Ans. Bagh-e-Bahu that surrounds the fort with lawns and flowers is the favourite picnic place in the fort. 

Q6. When and why is the mela celebrated? 

Ans. The mela is celebrated in the months of March-April. It is celebrated to seek the divine blessings of Mata.

Q7. Name the things available during the fair? 

Ans. During the fair, one can have local ice creams (kulfi, malai-baraf), sugarcane juice, gole-gappe, aaloo chholay, kachaloo, jalebi. In addition, there are balloons and cotton candy available for children. 

II. Use the following phrases in sentences: 

1. To carry off: The Vice-Captain of the team carried off the match after the injury of their Captain. 

2. To take up: The forum president will take the matter with higher-ups. 

3. To take care of: He will take care of the invitations of his surprise party. 

4. In spite of: He was not called for interview, in spite of his higher qualification. 

5. To break out: A riot will break out if you don’t talk to the strikers. 

6. To be afraid of: Don’t talk about ghosts in front of children, they will be afraid of them. 

7. To get out: Get out of the class because you are diverting the attention of other students. 

Grammar Work 

A. Complete the following sentences by using the appropriate interrogative pronouns: 

1. What is it that troubles you so much? 
2. Who is that he should object? 
3. Who is at the door? 
4. What is there that she does not know? 
5. What is this book? 
6. Where is your house? 
7. To whom does this watch belong? 
8. How is she? 
9. Where is the cargo plane? 
10 Whom did she go with? 

B. Write the contractions of these words: 
l. l am....I’m 
2. He has..... He’s 
3. You are ... You’re 
4.Do not... Don’t 
5. Let us .... Let’s 
6. I have ..... I’ve 
7. He had/would ....He’d 
8. Will not .... Won’t 
9. They would not ..... They wouldn't 
10. Shall not ..... Shan’t 
