Thursday, September 9, 2021

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution 



Environmental pollution is the biggest problem facing the modern man. All advancement becomes useless if man does not get the very basic necessity of life, -i.e. fresh and pure air. And only trees can do this service to man. Unluckily man, in his ignorance and greed, has destroyed forests. There was a time when 50% of the Indian soil was covered with forests. But now it is reduced to a mere 8%.

Only recently, our government has become aware of this problem. Various steps have been taken to keep the environment free from pollution. More attention is being paid to afforestation. The unauthorised felling of trees is being checked. Scientists are developing methods to minimise the effect of smoke let out by our autos and chimneys. In fact, environmental 

awareness is a social necessity. It is not only the duty of the government, but also a social responsibility of each one of us to help in keeping the environment free from pollution. 

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